Academy Course Categories

Academy Courses are grouped into various Course Categories.

The grouping of courses in categories is purely for convenience. Each Academy course can be undertaken individually. Courses within a category will typically cover the same domain (e.g. Concentration Risk) or focus on a particular skill-set (e.g. Development of Risk Models using Python).

The course category list is available also directly at the front page of the Academy

Financial Literacy

Reading Time: 1 min.
Academy Logo

This course category is a collection of online resources to assist with financial literacy (in the broadest sense). Financial Literacy is the general level of understanding by different segments of the population of how Finance and the Financial System work.

It is a combination of the financial awareness, knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve individual financial well-being.

Mortgage Modeling

Reading Time: 1 min.
Academy Logo

This course category is a sub-category of the Risk Modeling using Python category that focuses specifically on Mortgage Models of various types. Mortgages (Mortage Loan) denotes loans securitized against some real estate. It is one of the most widely used financial products worldwide. In it simplest form it is a loan secured by the property being financed. The property is thus mortgaged and in the extreme case where the borrower cannot or will not repay the loan, the lender typically has legal rights on the property.

Data Engineering

Reading Time: 1 min.
Geographical features on a map

This is the collection of Open Risk Academy Data Engineering courses. Data Engineering is a discipline that focuses on building of Information Technology systems that enable the collection and usage of Data. This data is used to enable subsequent Data Analysis and Data Science

This category includes courses that cover more technical techniques (programming stacks, data formats etc.) that are applicable across a range of data science and risk management disciplines.

Banking Regulation

Reading Time: 0 min.
Academy Logo

This category of Open Risk Academy courses covers general topics around banking regulation, regulatory initiatives and related topics.

Banking Regulators are entities that are responsible for the supervision or regulation of some aspect of the Financial System, with the objective to ensure that the operation of that system remains within mandated constraints.

General Courses

Reading Time: 1 min.
Demo Course Logo

This category includes various general topics. It includes demos and tools that demonstrate the Academy eLearning platform to new users but also introductions to other Open Risk resources like the Open Risk Manual and our Open Source projects

The demos enable users to sample a broader area of courses and trial out new technologies. Users can enroll and start a course at any time. Courses in this category is available to any registered user for free. The course titles should be self-explanatory.

Data Science

Reading Time: 1 min.
Geographical features on a map

This category covers the collection of Open Risk Academy Data Science courses. Data Science is an emerging interdisciplinary field that aims to extract and utilize knowledge from diverse data sets, which are typically large.

The field is rather loosely defined as it applies to several different domains with a varying degree on reliance on:

Risk Modeling using Python

Reading Time: 1 min.
Academy Logo

The courses in this category utilize open source tools and frameworks, either developed by Open Risk or available via open source licenses. Open Risk advocates and supports open source, transparent, peer reviewable, methodologies and risk models. From the Great Financial Crisis, to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Sustainability Challenge and onwards, time and again we see conventional (proprietary and closed) risk models and risk management tools being challenged, failing to deliver their purported utility when it is needed most.

Credit Concentration Courses

Reading Time: 1 min.
Academy Logo

The Credit Concentration Cycle is a collection of online courses covering the diverse aspects of Credit Concentration Risk Management. Credit Risk Concentration refers to disproportionally large risk exposure to specific credit risks (as opposed to a diversified risk profile).

Regulatory frameworks generally recognize the following specific concentrations risks:

Risk Management

Reading Time: 1 min.
Academy Logo

Risk Management is a general term that collectively denotes the techniques, practices or behaviors that aim to identify, measure and mitigate risks to an individual or an organization. Informal Risk Management as practiced by individuals is the domain of intuitive decision making which typically does not involve rigorous Risk Analysis, does not require additional training and does not employ elaborate tools or methodologies.

Sustainable Finance

Reading Time: 1 min.

Sustainable Finance denotes financial systems, services and products that are integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG Criteria) into business and/or investment decisions such that current social, environmental, and livelihood needs are not compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainable finance practices are rapidly evolving:

  • Definitions of ESG factors and domains
  • Incorporation of sustainability into business strategies
  • Governance, policies and risk management applicable to ESG Risks
  • ESG and climate-related disclosures
  • Green Financial Products
  • Engaging financial industry clients to reorient their investment plans to ensure consistency with the Paris Agreement
  • Reorienting financial flows away from unsustainable activities

This Collection of Academy courses covers diverse aspects of Sustainable Finance. An important sub-category focuses on Input-Output Economic Models and their role in Sustainable Finance.