Equinox User Documentation



Reading Time: 0 min.

A good fraction of the Equinox Functionality can be grouped and illustrated in terms of concrete Workflows.

This section of the Online Equinox User Manual acts as a container for the various currently implemented workflows.

List of main current workflows

Getting Started

Getting Started

Suggestions on how to get started with Equinox

Reading Time: 1 min.

In this segment of the Equinox User Documentation we list a few suggestions of how to get started using Equinox. The platform offers rich functionality that can be combined in various ways. What is relevant and optimal will vary for different users and their use context.

Using Equinox for Corporate Scope 2 Reporting

Using Equinox for Corporate Scope 2 Reporting

Reading Time: 1 min.

The Corporate Scope 2 Methodology Workflow is an attribution and reporting methodology for certain types of indirect GHG emissions of organizations (typically companies), primarily emissions linked to the purchase of electricity from grids. The workflow shows how to implement the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance (2015) (See References).

Equinox Green Public Procurement Workflow

Equinox Green Public Procurement Workflow

Reading Time: 4 min.

Europe’s public authorities are major consumers of goods and services via the public procurement process. By using their purchasing power to choose environmentally friendly goods, services and works, they can make an important contribution to sustainable consumption and production - what is called Green Public Procurement (GPP) or green purchasing. GPP is a voluntary instrument, not a legal standard, but has a key role to play in the EU’s efforts to become a more resource-efficient economy. To be effective, GPP requires the inclusion of clear and verifiable environmental criteria for products and services in the public procurement process. In Equinox we aim to support GPP by integrating the de-facto standard data models and ontologies of the TED platform into sustainable portfolio workflows.

Equinox PCAF Mortgage Workflow

Equinox PCAF Mortgage Workflow

Reading Time: 2 min.

The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials proposed methodologies (The Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Financial Industry, PCAF, 2020) for attributing GHG Emissions to diverse financial contracts. One of the currently developed asset classes concerns Mortgage portfolios. The methodology as implemented in Equinox is documented below.

Equinox Equator Principles Workflows

Equinox Equator Principles Workflows

Reading Time: 4 min.

A group of workflows implemented in Equinox revolve around the Equator Principles . The Equator Principles is a (voluntary) risk management framework, developed and adopted by financial institutions for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in projects (Project Finance ). It is primarily intended to provide a minimum standard for due diligence and monitoring to support responsible risk decision-making.

PCAF Project Finance

PCAF Project Finance

Reading Time: 1 min.

The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials proposed methodologies (PCAF (2020), The Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Financial Industry.) for attributing GHG Emissions to diverse financial contracts.

The workflows for PCAF methodologies implemented in Equinox are documented below. For the methodologies themselves consult the corresponding PCAF documentation or the Open Risk Manual Entries



Conceptual Equinox building blocks and how they can be used

Reading Time: 2 min.

Equinox uses a number of flexible abstractions (data models) that different workflows may compose and use in slightly different ways. This design allows flexibility towards implementing a growing range of sustainable finance and portfolio management applications.

Equinox GHG Protocol Project Workflow

Equinox GHG Protocol Project Workflow

Reading Time: 3 min.

The GHG Project Workflow is structured around the recommendations of the GHG Protocol for Projects. The Project concept and data model holds data for any (generic) sustainability Project (irrespective of physical attributes, financial attributes or contractual nature). A GHG project is any well-defined set of actions that intentionally leads to a modification of the GHG emissions profile of a physical asset or collection of assets.

Data Types

Data Types

The main data categories that users can handle in Equinox

Reading Time: 1 min.

The Equinox platform uses at its backend a powerful database that supports storing a variety of data formats. This versatility is essential if one is to work with diverse data sources to obtain a holistic view of “ground truth”. Here we discuss three important sub-categories that are used throughout the platform.

Emission Factor Selection

Emission Factor Selection

Illustration of working with a copy of the IPCC Emission Factors Database

Reading Time: 3 min.

The integration of the IPCC EFDB Database into Equinox is described in the Reference Data Section of the Equinox User Manual (See Reference Data). Here we illustrate a basic workflow that helps search for and retrieve relevant emission factor (EF) data.

Equinox EBA Scorecard Workflows

Equinox EBA Scorecard Workflows

Reading Time: 2 min.

Project Finance Credit Risk Analysis may involve arbitrarily complicated tools and risk models, depending on the nature, size and complexity of the project being financed. As a common denominator, regulatory frameworks starting with Basel II Specialized Lending articulate a simplified (standardized scorecard). This Workflow discusses how Equinox provides a simplified workflow to implement a standardized scorecard workflow.

Equinox Policy App

Equinox Policy App

Information about the Equinox Policy App and Data module which helps collect and work with portfolio-wide policy data. The App is an interactive, visual web application (dashboard) embedded in Equinox.

Reading Time: 1 min.

Portfolio Policies are an important component of modern portfolio management. Having an overview of applicable policies, how they evolved over time and what impact they have is not trivial. The Equinox Policy app aims to help with associated tasks.

Equinox Portfolio App

Equinox Portfolio App

Equinox Portfolio App

Reading Time: 1 min.

The Portfolio App is the central app that provides the scaffolding for most other functionality provided by Equinox. At its core it is a uniform interface to the portfolio data.

Equinox Reference App

Equinox Reference App

Equinox Reference App

Reading Time: 1 min.

Reference data play an important role in sustainable portfolio management as they bring in and integrate new and granular information sources that were not previously used. Equinox aims to facilitate integrating relevant open data towards meeting portfolio management objectives.

Equinox aims to integrate in the database a number reference databases that facilitate tasks of sustainable portfolio management. In the current focus such reference material concerns the emissions factors for various processes and activities.