16, Random Walks on Supply and Use Graphs
Open Risk White Paper 16: Follow the Money: Random Walks on Supply and Use Graphs
We explore how to organize Environmentally-Extended Input-Output frameworks (EEIO), and in particular their Supply and Use Table (SUT) formulation, as graphs. Working directly with SUT systems instead of converting to symmetric IO matrices involves fewer assumptions and (in principle) higher resolution in expressing environmental impacts. We elaborate first on the representation of SUT tables as directed, weighted bipartite graphs. We discuss both closed (circular) and open system configurations, featuring source and sink nodes. These are modeled as regular and absorbing Markov Chains respectively. We outline a probabilistic random walk framework that realizes mathematically the colloquial Follow the Money concept. This enables computing a range of various existing and new metrics using the EEIO data. As an illustration, besides the standard environmental footprint metric, we introduce the concept of footprint variance or the intrinsic variability of estimates. We illustrate the overall setup using a classic numerical example from the EEIO literature.