Risk Management

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Risk Management is a general term that collectively denotes the techniques, practices or behaviors that aim to identify, measure and mitigate risks to an individual or an organization. Informal Risk Management as practiced by individuals is the domain of intuitive decision making which typically does not involve rigorous Risk Analysis, does not require additional training and does not employ elaborate tools or methodologies.

Risk management includes the culture, processes and structures that are put in place to effectively manage potential negative events. As it is in general not possible or desirable to eliminate all risk, the objective is to reduce risks to an acceptable level (formally termed Risk Appetite).

In professional / organizational contexts the need to better manage risks has elevated the concept of risk management into a separate discipline with more formally specified language, rules and tools. This is a collection of online courses covering general topics around risk management principles and tools.

Indicative List of Courses in this Category

The following courses focus primarily on introductory level topics. More advanced topics are typically covered in specialized categories

Access these Courses at the Open Risk Academy