Course Catalog

Overview of Available Courses

In this page you can find the Open Risk Academy Courses that are currently available with a Self-Enrollment option.

Can't find a suitable course? Use the course request form and subject to resources and subject-matter fit we will try to accommodate!

General Courses

Financial Literacy

Sustainable Finance

Risk Modeling using Python

Mortgage Modeling

Data Science

Risk Management

Credit Concentration Courses

Banking Regulation

Detailed Descriptions

Crash Course on Input-Output Model Mathematics

Reading Time: 1 min.


A brief review of the linear algebra and matrix theory concepts underpinning standard environmentally extended input-output models.


This brief introduction in Input-Output Model mathematics discusses the basic elements of linear algebra that are necessary to understand the standard Input-Output models, including their Environmental impact extensions.

Matrix theory is the main subject covered here as it is the most dominant mathematical tool used in this area (though other parts of mathematics do find applications in Input-Output analysis). The focus is on the notation and mathematical objects commonly used, not the economic interpretation or any mathematical proofs.

Deep Dive Course on Tensor calculations with Eigen

Reading Time: 2 min.


Course Content:

This course is an introduction to Tensor calculations with Eigen, a popular C++ library for working with numerical arrays and linear algebra. It covers the following topics:

  • We learn the concept and techniques of the Eigen Tensor class
  • How to declare, initialize Tensors of various ranks and types and how to access Tensor elements
  • Elementary unary and binary operations involving Tensors
  • More complex operations (reductions, contractions)
  • Modifying the shape of Tensors

Who Is This Course For:

Developers in any Domain that need to use higher-dimensional numerical data containers

The Climate Dictionary Quiz

Reading Time: 0 min.


A multipe-choice Quiz based on the Climate Dictionary developed by the United Nations Development Programme. The quiz provides an educational tool to enable deeper understanding of essential terminology around Climate Change and Climate Risk.


The quiz consists of circa 65 questions of multiple choice type. The objective is to enable anybody interested in climate change to benchmark their knowledge of these key terms.

Academy CrashProgram Demo

Reading Time: 0 min.
Demo Course Logo


This crash course is an introduction to the main elements of an Academy course (it is a course about courses!). The course takes less than an hour to complete. It is recommended to new users that are not familiar with eLearning environments.

How Does The Course Help

You can also use the course to test whether your can get full access to the academy courses using your particular device / browser.

Introduction to the Open Risk Manual

Reading Time: 0 min.


This short course is an introduction to the Open Risk Manual, covering the following topics:

  • Background Information
  • A Brief User Manual
  • More Advanced Uses
  • Mobile Use
  • Contributing to the Manual

Course Level and Type

Introductory Level Core Level Advanced Level
Non-Technical GEN13054

Enroll and Get Started with GEN13054

Crossword Puzzles

Reading Time: 0 min.


Open Risk Crossword Puzzles: A collection of crossword puzzles build around specific themes


  • Non-Performing Loan Crossword Puzzle Game
  • Sustainable Finance Crossword Puzzle Game
  • Cyber Risk Crossword Puzzle Game
  • Fintech Crossword Puzzle

Course Level and Type

Introductory Level Core Level Advanced Level
Non-Technical QUI29052

Enroll and Get Started with QUI29052

Intro to Concentration Measurement using Python

Reading Time: 1 min.
Python is the swiss knife of modern programming languages and a prime candidate to be also the swiss knife for risk modelling


This course is a CrashProgram in the use of python for risk modelling purposes, in particular credit concentration measurement.

Who Is This Course For

There is little or no prior knowledge of concentration risk measurement but general background in credit risk management is useful for context.

Exploratory Risk Data Analysis

Reading Time: 1 min.
Exploratory Data Analysis Visualizations


This course is a CrashProgram (short course) introducing exploratory data analysis.


The course can be pursued on a standalone basis. It is advisable to pursue the course after DAT31046 (Risk Data Review) which discusses a review of the data from a data quality validation perspective.

Open Source

Reading Time: 0 min.
Python is the swiss knife of modern programming languages and a prime candidate to be also the swiss knife for risk modelling


This course collects resources and activities to facilitate those involved in open source risk modelling projects.

Course Level and Type

Introductory Level Core Level Advanced Level
Technical GEN13031

Enroll and Get Started with GEN13031

Risk Management Q&A

Reading Time: 0 min.
Python is the swiss knife of modern programming languages and a prime candidate to be also the swiss knife for risk modelling


A forum for risk management questions and answers. Nothing is too complicated or too simple!

Course Level and Type

Introductory Level Core Level Advanced Level
Non-Technical RMQ29035

Enroll and Get Started with RMQ29035

Intro to Credit Concentration

Reading Time: 0 min.
Visual representation of credit concentration diversification


This course is a Crash Program introduction to the topic of credit risk concentrations: how to identify, measure and manage excess credit exposure, an essential risk management discipline for any credit portfolio.


The course covers the following topics:

Getting Started with the Open Risk Academy

Reading Time: 0 min.
Representation of credit portfolio management as an information processing engine


If this is your first time in the Academy you can familiarize yourself by going through the Demo which includes manuals, study plan suggestions and more.


The course is completely introductory and does not have any prerequisite except a clear and open mind!

Micro Course on Risk Management

Reading Time: 0 min.
Representation of credit portfolio management as an information processing engine


In the Shortest Possible Course on Risk Management we try to condense in 15 intense minutes the essence of risk management!


The course is completely introductory and does not have any prerequisite except a clear and open mind!

UK Pillar II

Reading Time: 0 min.
Visual representation of credit concentrations in a UK portfolio


This course is a DeepDive into the UK regulatory framework around credit risk concentrations and their treatment under Pillar II. The context is provided by Consultation Paper CP1/15 which establishes benchmark Pillar II capital add-on methodologies for all main credit concentration risk categories.