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A warm welcome to the Equinox world! These pages serve as general User Documentation for Equinox. Technical documentation links are provided at the end of this page. If you are not familiar with the Equinox platform, a high level overview of its objectives and capabilities is available in the functionality overview.


Equinox is a thoroughly modern online platform that is fit for a sustainable fintech era. Built from the ground up to bring the benefits of open source, open data and machine learning to the challenge of managing sustainable portfolios. The platform integrates geospatial information with applicable regulatory and industry standards from the GHG Protocol, the EBA, PCAF, PACTA, the Equator Principles and more to provide a holistic view of the footprint of both individual projects and portfolios of investments or other financial contracts such as procurement.

The Equinox platform is a versatile, cloud based framework that supports Sustainable Portfolio Management activities using an entirely modern approach. The mission of the platform is to help address the complexity of the enormous and multi-faceted sustainability challenge. The strategy is to use empowering aspects of modern digital technologies such as open source transparency, versatility, ubiquity, interoperability and scalability.

portfolio admin “Snapshot of the Equinox Dashboard”

User Documentation Structure

The Getting Started page offers an overview of the functionality that is available across various equinox use cases. The more detailed Online User documentation of Equinox is structured along various dimensions:

  • The “vertical”, or domain specific, dimension of concrete Workflows that implement specific sustainability protocols and standards. In this type of documentation a number of different Equinox concepts are discussed together to illustrate how one can compose these of similar workflows.
  • The “horizontal” dimension of cross-cutting topics or elements that are applicable across all the supported application domains. These pages are more suitable for more in-depth (bottom up) study.
  • The “app level” documentation that discusses the different distinct applications comprising Equinox. Schematically, one or more applications uses a number of elements to facilitate a workflow.

Specific workflows supported (Vertical dimension)

The following list highlights some workflows that are currently supported by the platform:

Cross-cutting topics and elements (The horizontal dimension)

  • Application Pages document the conceptual User Interface that (in-particular) non-technical users will experience when working with the platform
  • Support for diverse Data Types (numbers, text, geospatial information) is essential to help users to obtain holistic views of their portfolios

Equinox Apps

  • The Portfolio App. The Portfolio App is the central app that provides the scaffolding for most other functionality provided by Equinox. At its core it is a uniform interface to the portfolio data.
  • The Reference App. Reference data play an important role in sustainable portfolio management as they bring in and integrate new and granular information sources that were not previously used. Equinox aims to facilitate integrating relevant open data towards meeting portfolio management objectives.
  • The Policy App. The Policy App helps collect and work with portfolio policy data.
  • The Risk App. The Risk app is the primary means to apply risk analytics and risk models to the portfolio.
  • The Reporting App. The Reporting app is where Equinox users can configure and obtain a variety of reports.

Technical Documentation and References

These pages serve as online user oriented documentation and supported portfolio management workflows.

NOTE: Equinox is still in active development. As the functionality of the platform is enhanced, this documentation will also be enriched and updated, following also our users' feedback.

General Reading Recommendations



Reading Time: 0 min.

A good fraction of the Equinox Functionality can be grouped and illustrated in terms of concrete Workflows.

This section of the Online Equinox User Manual acts as a container for the various currently implemented workflows.

List of main current workflows



Reading Time: 0 min.

Equinox Applications

This page collects Equinox Application documentation for quick reference.

NOTE: Equinox is still in active development. As the functionality of the platform is enhanced, the documentation will be enriched and updated, following also user feedback.
Building Blocks

Building Blocks

Reading Time: 0 min.

Equinox Building Blocks

This page collects documentation pages about the fundamental building blocks of Equinox. The focus here is not on technical (developer oriented) building blocks but rather the user oriented views.

NOTE: Equinox is still in active development. As the functionality of the platform is enhanced, the documentation will be enriched and updated, following also user feedback.


Reading Time: 0 min.

Equinox Releases

This page collects Equinox non-technical release information about Equinox for quick reference. The technical elements of each release are documented in the code distribution.

NOTE: Equinox is still in active development. As the functionality of the platform is enhanced, the documentation will be enriched and updated, following also user feedback.
Getting Started

Getting Started

Suggestions on how to get started with Equinox

Reading Time: 1 min.

In this segment of the Equinox User Documentation we list a few suggestions of how to get started using Equinox. The platform offers rich functionality that can be combined in various ways. What is relevant and optimal will vary for different users and their use context.

Adopted Standards and Further References

Adopted Standards and Further References

Reading Time: 1 min.

Sustainable Finance Standards

The sustainability related standards currently adopted / implemented in Equinox are based principally on the following references:

GHG Protocol Standards

  • The GHG Protocol for Projects (The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting, 2005)
  • GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance (An amendment to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, 2015)
  • Fong, W. K., M. Sotos, M. Doust, S. Schultz, A. Marques, and C. Deng-Beck (2014). Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories: An Accounting and Reporting Standard for Cities. World Resources Institute. C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group; Local Governments for Sustainability ICLEI. 1, 1–176.

PCAF Standards

  • PCAF Emissions Accounting and Reporting for Residential Mortgages
  • PCAF Emissions Accounting and Reporting for Project Finance

Other Sustainable Finance

  • Equator Principles for Project Finance
  • OECD Climate Actions and Policies Database

Regulatory Standards and Other Resources

Open Risk White Papers

The following Open Risk White Papers provide conceptual context or other implementation details underpinning the Equinox platform.

The Sustainability Challenge

The Sustainability Challenge

Equinox aims to help tackle difficult sustainability challenges drawing from the best digital DNA

Reading Time: 1 min.

The Sustainability Challenge

Sustainability, understood broadly in its environmental, economic and social dimensions, is emerging as the undisputed constraint that shapes future human economic activities.It specifically shapes how the financial system facilitates, shapes and empowers economic life leading to the concept of Sustainable Finance.

Sustainability Surface

Developing tools and methodologies that improve the ability of all stakeholders to assess and report risks in sustainable finance context is an important and timely objective.

Functionality Overview

Functionality Overview

High level overview of the Equinox functionality

Reading Time: 3 min.

Supporting the transition to Sustainable Finance requires up-to-date data, relevant and trusted models and effective usable tools that are fully embedded in the organization. The Equinox platform is a cloud based framework that supports sustainable portfolio management activity using an entirely modern approach.