Open Risk API Presentation
Open Risk API: Improved financial risk management through open data, open source and web technologies. This is a Presentation given at the TopQuants/DNB Autumn Meeting, Amsterdam, Nov 18, 2015.
Presentation at TopQuants 2015: Open Risk API
Improved financial risk management through open data, open source and web technologies.
This is a Presentation given at the TopQuants/DNB Autumn Meeting, Amsterdam, Nov 18, 2015

Source Code
@ARTICLE{OpenRiskPresentation00, author = {P. Papadopoulos}, year = {2015}, note = {\href{https://www.openriskmanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/TopQuants2015.pdf}{Download URL}}, title = {{Presentation at TopQuants 2015: Open Risk API}}, journal = {Open Risk Presentations} }