Enterprise Risk Management

Open Risk API Presentation

Open Risk API Presentation

Open Risk API: Improved financial risk management through open data, open source and web technologies. This is a Presentation given at the TopQuants/DNB Autumn Meeting, Amsterdam, Nov 18, 2015.

Reading Time: 0 min.

Presentation at TopQuants 2015: Open Risk API

Improved financial risk management through open data, open source and web technologies.

This is a Presentation given at the TopQuants/DNB Autumn Meeting, Amsterdam, Nov 18, 2015


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 author = {P. Papadopoulos},
 year = {2015},
 note = {\href{https://www.openriskmanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/TopQuants2015.pdf}{Download URL}},
 title = {{Presentation at TopQuants 2015: Open Risk API}},
 journal = {Open Risk Presentations}
Seven Heavens of Finance and the Open Risk API

Seven Heavens of Finance and the Open Risk API

Reading Time: 8 min.

Seven Heavens of Finance and the Open Risk API

The Seven Heavens of Finance

Back-to-basics is not salvation

It has become trendy since the financial crisis to be wearing an anti-complexity hat in matters concerning the shape of the financial system. This is an understandable reaction to the entangled constructions that had sprung to existence in the hyper-leveraged markets of the naughty noughts.

Unbundling the Banks: A How To Guide

Unbundling the Banks: A How To Guide

Reading Time: 5 min.

Unbundling the Banks: A How-To Guide


Talk of unbundling the banks is all the rage these days (if we believe the chatter coming from fintech startups). Yet upon closer inspection one gets the feeling that these optimistic people might not necessarily know exactly what they are trying to unbundle, the true complexity of a medium-to-large bank, which in turn reflects, at least in part, the complexity of our modern Financial System .