Financial Crisis

Open Source Securitisation

Open Source Securitisation

Reading Time: 5 min.

Open Source Securitisation


After the Great Financial Crisis securitisation has become the poster child of a financial product exhibiting complexity and opaqueness. The issues and lessons learned post-crisis were many, involving all aspects of the securitisation process, from the nature and quality of the underlying assets, the incentives of the various agents involved and the ability of investors to analyze the products they invested in. While the most egregious complications involved various types of re-securitisation and/or the interplay of structured credit derivatives undoubtedly even vanilla securitisation structure has a considerable amount of business logic.

Seeking clues for financial stability in quantum physics

Seeking clues for financial stability in quantum physics

Reading Time: 7 min.

Seeking clues for financial stability from quantum physics

Hydrogen Atom

How physicists discovered why the world is stable

Physics is one of those remarkably successful branches of science that have helped shape the modern era. Let your gaze drop on any man made gadget in your surroundings and its likely that its working principles go back to a fundamental discovery in physical science that dates back no more than two hundred years or so.

The Atlas of Bad Risk Management

The Atlas of Bad Risk Management

Reading Time: 2 min.

The Atlas of Bad Risk Management

Atlas of Bad Risk Management

The Atlas was discovered recently in archaeological work studying pre-crisis civilizations. Despite the obvious wear and tear, all key risk failure areas have been preserved. We note the remarkable diversity of organizational forms and economic structures. Most interestingly, there is even an uncharted territory that was rumored to be inhabited by black swans.