Open Risk Academy

Climate Dictionary Quiz

Climate Dictionary Quiz

The Climate Dictionary Quiz is now accessible as a course at the Open Risk Academy. The Quiz is based on the UN Climate Dictionary and provides an interactive educational tool to enable deeper understanding of the essential terminology.

Reading Time: 1 min.

The Climate Dictionary is an initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) aimed at providing people worldwide with a simplified guide to understand climate change. The Dictionary (first published Aug 2023) seeks to bridge the gap between complex scientific jargon such as present in the IPCC publications and other scientific bodies and the public.

Open Risk Academy Course: Input-Output Models with Python

Open Risk Academy Course: Input-Output Models with Python

A DeepDive Course into using Python to work with Input-Output Models

Reading Time: 2 min.

What are Input-Output Models?

Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output (EE-MRIO) tables describe economic relationships of economic actors (e.g. industrial sectors) operating within and between regions and their environmental repercussions.

An EE MRIO augments the more basic and historically first proposed Input-Output Models (IO) with additional datasets and/or modeling assumptions in order to provide insights into the environmental foorprint of economic activity. Presently, the emphasis on negative externalities of economic activity (e.g., climate change, biodiversity loss) turns EE MRIO models into a useful conceptual and analytic tool. Yet a good grounding on the underlying IO models is a prerequisite and this is the focus of this new course that is now available at the Open Risk Academy.

9 Ways Graphs Show Up in Data Science

9 Ways Graphs Show Up in Data Science

We explore a variety of distinct uses of graph structures in data science. We review various important graph types and sketch their linkages and relationships. The review provides an operational guide towards a better overall understanding of those powerful tools

Reading Time: 1 min.

The Graph of Graphs

Course Objective

Graphs (and the related concept of Networks) have emerged from a relative mathematical and physics niches to become mainstream models for describing and interpreting various phenomena. The objective of the course is to review various important graph types as they are increasingly explored in data science and sketch their linkages and relationships (a graph of graphs!).

An introduction to Semantic Python

An introduction to Semantic Python

A CrashCourse introduction to semantic data using Python covering a number of frameworks such as rdflib, owlready and pySHACL

Reading Time: 2 min.

Semantic Python

Course Content

This CrashCourse is an introduction to semantic data using Python. It covers the following topics:

  • We learn to work with RDF graphs using rdflib
  • We explore the owlready package and OWL ontologies
  • We look into json-ld serialization of RDF/OWL data
  • We try data validation using pySHACL
  • We use throughout a realistic data set based on the Credit Ratings Ontology

Who Is This Course For

The course is useful to:

Back to School With the Open Risk Academy

Back to School With the Open Risk Academy

In the Back-to-School for 2020 we have more ways to access the Academy, new functionalities and more courses. In the rest of this post you will find a summary of the changes with pointers to further information where required

Reading Time: 4 min.

Back to School 2020

Risk Management will not be the same going forward: too much is at stake

The summer is over in the Northern Hemisphere - and what an unusual summer has it been! Worldwide the implications and challenges of adjusting to a Covid-19 pandemic are still a major issue, affecting individuals, companies and governments.

New Open Risk Academy Course: Introduction to GeoJSON

New Open Risk Academy Course: Introduction to GeoJSON

Reading Time: 2 min.

Course Content

This course is a CrashProgram (short course) introducing the GeoJSON specification for the encoding of geospatial features. The course is at an introductory technical level. It requires some familiarity with data specifications such as JSON and a very basic knowledge of Python


Who Is This Course For

The course is useful to:

New Open Risk Academy Course: Simulation of Credit Contagion

New Open Risk Academy Course: Simulation of Credit Contagion

Reading Time: 2 min.

Course Content

This course is an introduction to the concept of credit contagion. It covers the following topics:

  • Contagion Risk Overview and Definition
  • Various Contagion Types and Modelling Challenges
  • The Simple Contagion Model by Davis and Lo
  • Supply Chains Contagion
  • Sovereign Contagion

Who Is This Course For

The course is useful to:

An overview of EU Financial Regulation initiatives

An overview of EU Financial Regulation initiatives

Reading Time: 1 min.

An overview of EU Financial Regulation initiatives

EU Regulations

In the European Union there are several ongoing large scale legislative and regulatory projects that transform the context within which individual, firms and the public sector interact economically. While financial and regulatory reform is an ongoing process in all jurisdictions globally, the size and supra-national nature of the European Union makes those projects particularly interesting.

Data Quality and Exploratory Data Analysis using Python

Data Quality and Exploratory Data Analysis using Python

Reading Time: 0 min.

Data Quality and Exploratory Data Analysis using Python

In two new Open Risk Academy courses we figure step by step how to use python to work to review risk data from a data quality perspective and how to perform exploratory data analysis with pandas, seaborn and statsmodels:

Loan Level Templates Using Python

Loan Level Templates Using Python

Loan Level Templates Using Python

Reading Time: 0 min.

Loan Level Templates Using Python

Python Swiss Knife

In this Open Risk Academy course we figure step by step how to use python to work with Loan Level Templates, using the ECB SME template as an example.

  • Overview of the loan level template
  • Manipulating spreadsheets with Python
  • The Python Dictionary
  • Organization of Portfolio Data
  • Generating Test Portfolios

Get an Open Risk Academy account and get started with the course here

Business Model Risk

Business Model Risk

Reading Time: 5 min.

Business Model Risk - The Forgotten Risk Type

Sustainable business models that demonstrate adequate profitability over long horizons are key to a healthy market economy. This applies to firms and organizations of any size and in any sector. But how do we determine what is sustainable and how can we tell a risky business structure from a stable one?

Risk Management Skills for the Fintech Era

Risk Management Skills for the Fintech Era

Reading Time: 6 min.

Risk Management Skills for the Fintech Era

Risk Management Skills for the Fintech Era

Financial services jobs continue being decimated. A recent (as of the initial post date) FT article was a sobering summary of the continuing transformation of the financial sector: 2015 alone has seen more than 10% reduction of the total workforce across large EU/US banks:

Open Source Risk Data with MongoDB and Python

Open Source Risk Data with MongoDB and Python

Reading Time: 3 min.

Open Source Risk Data with MongoDB and Python

Swiss Knife

Open source software is all the rage those days in IT and the concept is making rapid inroads in all parts of the enterprise. An earlier comprehensive survey by Gartner, Inc. found that by 2011 more than half of organizations surveyed had adopted open-source software (OSS) solutions as part of their IT strategy. This percentage may have currently exceeded the 75% mark according to open source advisory firms.

The periodic table of risk elements

The periodic table of risk elements

Reading Time: 5 min.

The periodic table of risk elements


You know the periodic table of elements, even if you flunked your science courses! It is the large colorful and blocky table that hanged on every school’s classrooms before becoming yet another mobile app. The periodic table is one of the early and iconic achievements of science. It lists all the pure chemical elements found in nature, the building blocks of all possible material substances. Each block contains a set of numbers that unambiguously characterizes each element and a single or two letter abbreviation for each: H for Hydrogen, He for Helium and so forth, going on for over a hundred different elements. When the periodic table was discovered by Mendeleev (apparently in his dream!) it was an extraordinary realization that the physical world has an underlying order at the microscopic level. In his own words:

Concentrating on Concentration Risk

Concentrating on Concentration Risk

Reading Time: 4 min.

Concentrating on Concentration Risk

Senior economists such as Ben Bernanke were still studying the Great 30s Depression when the financial crisis struck in full force circa 2007. Given the complexity of the modern economic and financial landscape compared to the blessed good old days - we have no reports of FWMD (financial weapons of mass destruction) from back then - we can reasonably project that economists will be studying and pontificating on causes and remedies for the current crisis for the next 100 years or so.

A mini course on risk management

A mini course on risk management

Reading Time: 0 min.

A mini course on risk management, its perils and the silver lining

When talking about risk management, it is not very clear what we are talking about in broad terms, definitely not getting clearer when we start getting into the details and it is even not clear how to best use the (possibly flawed) insights we produce.

FuriousBanker: The Credit Detox Challenge

FuriousBanker: The Credit Detox Challenge

Reading Time: 2 min.

FuriousBanker(TM) helps you learn risk management concepts in a fun and engaging way. This educational game series for mobiles and tablets is developed by Open Risk to enable modern interactive elearning for people working (or aspiring to work) in financial risk management.

The first episode sees FuriousBanker facing The credit detox challenge: