openNPL now Available in Dockerized Form
Open Source, cloud based management of Non-Performing Loan data following the European Banking Authority's templates with just a few keystrokes!
openNPL now Available in Dockerized Form
Following up on the first release of openNPL the platform is now available to install using Docker. Running openNPL via docker is the installation option that simplifies the manual process (but a working docker installation is required!).
Docker Hub
You can pull the latest openNPL image from Docker Hub (This method is recommended if you do not want to mess with the source distribution).
You can get started by issuing the following:
docker pull openrisk/opennpl_web:0.1.1
docker run -p 8080:8080 openrisk/opennpl_web:0.1.1
Local Image
Alternatively you can build your own local image. After you fetch the distribution from the github repository (as per manual installation instructions above), in the root directory of the distribution issue:
docker build -t opennpl_web:latest .
docker run -p 8080:8080 opennpl_web:latest
Access the running instance of opennpl by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080
and login with admin/admin credentials.
From there on, follow the instructions as per the documentation
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