Non-Performing Loans

Mathematical Representations of Credit Portfolio Data

Mathematical Representations of Credit Portfolio Data

What do we mean by credit data? This post is a discussion around mathematical terminology and concepts that are useful in the context of working with credit data, taking us from network graph representations of credit systems to commonly used reference data sets

Reading Time: 1 min.

Course Objective

Digging into the meaning of credit data collections, the logic that binds them together towards understanding what they can be used for and what limitations and issues they may be affected by, this new course in the Credit Portfolio Management category explores a new angle to look at an old practice.

Introduction to the EBA NPL Templates

Introduction to the EBA NPL Templates

Reading Time: 3 min.


The Open Risk Academy course NPL270672 is a CrashCourse introducing the EBA NPL Templates.


We start with the motivation for the templates and the domain of credit data (to which NPL data belongs). We discuss three core classes that capture the essence of lending operations from a lenders point of view (Counterparty, Loan, Collateral). Next we explore classes that capture events in the lending relationship lifecycle (which we term NPL Scenarios). We look into the main data types: elementary data types, choice lists, arrays and unstructured text. We close with discussing some more complex issues involving graph and timeseries data.

Marking Pi Day 2021 With a Raspberry Pi Docker Image for OpenNPL

Marking Pi Day 2021 With a Raspberry Pi Docker Image for OpenNPL

We celebrate Pi Day 2021 releasing an ARM version of the openNPL platform that is suitable for the Raspberry Pi

Reading Time: 2 min.

Pi Day

Celebrating Pi Day 2021

Pi Day is celebrated every year on March 14th. The reason of course is that the day is denoted in some calendars as (3/14), which evokes of 3.14, the first three digits of “π”. A thin excuse maybe but sufficient for the true believers to join along! The occasion represents an annual opportunity for mathematics and science enthusiasts to recite the infinite charms of Pi, including its irrationality, to talk to friends and family about math and its uses, and, when everything else fails, simply eat pie.

Non-Performing Loan Ontology

Non-Performing Loan Ontology

The NPL Ontology (NPLO) is a new ontology describing datasets of Non-Perfoming Loan Portfolios.

Reading Time: 4 min.

NPLO Visualization

The Non-Perfoming Loan Ontology

The Non-Performing Loan Ontology is a framework that aims to represent and categorize knowledge about non-performing loans using semantic web information technologies. Codenamed NPLO, it codifies the relationship between the various components of a Non-Performing Loan portfolio dataset.(NB: Non-performing loans are bank loans that are 90 days or more past their repayment date or that are unlikely to be repaid, for example if the borrower is facing financial difficulties).

openNPL 0.2 REST API implementation

openNPL 0.2 REST API implementation

The 0.2 release of openNPL exposes a RESTful API that provides easy standardized online access to NPL credit portfolio data conforming to the EBA NPL templates

Reading Time: 4 min.

openNPL 0.2 release

The open source openNPL platform supports the management of standardized credit portfolio data for non-performing loans. In this respect it implements the detailed European Banking Authority NPL loan templates. openNPL aims to be at the same time easy to integrate in human workflows (using a familiar web interface) and integrate into automated (computer driven) workflows.

openNPL now Available in Dockerized Form

openNPL now Available in Dockerized Form

Open Source, cloud based management of Non-Performing Loan data following the European Banking Authority's templates with just a few keystrokes!

Reading Time: 1 min.

openNPL now Available in Dockerized Form

Following up on the first release of openNPL the platform is now available to install using Docker. Running openNPL via docker is the installation option that simplifies the manual process (but a working docker installation is required!).

openNPL plus Docker

Docker Hub

You can pull the latest openNPL image from Docker Hub (This method is recommended if you do not want to mess with the source distribution).

openNPL: Open Source NPL Platform - First Release

openNPL: Open Source NPL Platform - First Release

We introduce an open source platform that allows the easy management of non-performing loan data

Reading Time: 4 min.

Non-Performing Loans

The covid-19 crisis will certainly impact the concentration of Non-Performing Loans but given the special nature of this economic crisis compared (in particular) with the 2008 financial crisis it is unclear how precisely things will evolve.

In a previous post and white paper (OpenRiskWP07_022616) we discussed the importance of advancing open and transparent methodologies for managing the risks associated with such credit portfolios. Effective management of NPL is also a top regulatory priority. Following calls from the EU Commission and the EU Council to develop data templates to reduce information asymmetries between potential buyers and sellers of NPL, the European Banking Authority (EBA) has developed such standardised data templates.

Version 0.2 of the Open Risk API incorporates the standardized EBA portfolio data templates

Version 0.2 of the Open Risk API incorporates the standardized EBA portfolio data templates

Reading Time: 2 min.

Extending the Open Risk API to include the EBA Portfolio Data Templates

The Open Risk API provides a mechanism to integrate arbitrary collections of risk data and risk modelling resources in the context of assessing and managing financial risk. It is based on two key technologies of the modern Web, RESTful architectures and Semantic Data.

OpenNPL Database

OpenNPL Database

Reading Time: 2 min.

Motivation for Building an open source database based on EBA’s Standardized NPL Templates

In an insightful recent piece, “Overcoming non-performing loan market failures with transaction platforms”, Fell et al. dug deeply into the market failures that help perpetuate the Non-performing loan (NPL) problem. They highlight, in particular, information asymmetries and the attendant costs of valuing NPL portfolios as key obstacles. In the same wavelength, the European Banking Authority published standardized NPL data templates as a step towards reducing the obstacles that prevent the reduction of NPL’s.

Risk Capital for Non-Performing Loans

Risk Capital for Non-Performing Loans

Reading Time: 2 min.

Risk Capital for Non-Performing Loans

Currently many countries are drowning in bad credits

This visualization from the World Bank shows the current distribution of non-performing loans (NPL’s in short) around the world, as fraction of the total outstanding loans:

Non-performing loans to total gross loans

Translated in absolute numbers (according to IMF data) the European NPL book alone stands at around 1 trillion EUR.

07, Risk Capital for Non-Performing Loans

07, Risk Capital for Non-Performing Loans

Reading Time: 1 min.

Open Risk White Paper 7: Risk Capital for Non-Performing Loans

NPL Plot

We develop a conceptual framework for risk capital calculation for portfolios of non-performing loans. In general banking practice, loans that pass a threshold of delinquency are declared non-performing and are provisioned. Yet there is a residual risk that the provisioning is not sufficient. This risk must be covered by capital buffers. The literature for risk capital requirements for NPL portfolios is very limited, which implies that Stress Testing and Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment (ICAAP) requirements for non-performing loans are harder to meet. Our framework builds on tools used in portfolio credit risk modeling and provides a structured approach to address the risk profile that is specific to non-performing loans.