Machine Learning

13, Techniques for Federated Analysis

13, Techniques for Federated Analysis

Reading Time: 1 min.

Open Risk White Paper 13: Federated Credit Systems, Part II: Techniques for Federated Data Analysis

In this Open Risk White Paper, the second of series focusing on Federated Credit Systems, we explore techniques for federated credit data analysis. Building on the first paper where we outlined the overall architecture, essential actors and information flows underlying various business models of credit provision, in this step we focus on the enabling arrangements and techniques for building Federated Credit Data Systems and enabling Federated Analysis.

09, Federated Credit Systems, Unbundling Credit Provision

09, Federated Credit Systems, Unbundling Credit Provision

Reading Time: 1 min.

Open Risk White Paper 9: Federated Credit Systems, Part I: Unbundling The Credit Provision Business Model

In this (the first of series of three) white paper, we introduce and explore the concept of federated credit systems. We review the rapidly developing fields of Federated Analysis and Federated Learning as already actively studied in the domains of medicine and consumer computing devices. This forms the backdrop for understanding the potential and challenges of applying similar concepts in finance and more particular credit provision. The context of modern banking is substantially different from the above-mentioned use cases. Understanding and shaping federated information systems to cater to its unique features and constraints (key added value, competitive landscape, regulatory frameworks) will help accelerate the adoption of new designs. Towards that purpose we construct a framework that conceptually unbundles the complex operation that is modern credit provision. We introduce a number of fundamental business entities (subunits) and their associated functions and discuss the underlying business models. We discuss, in particular, how and why they exchange data and metrics and the key risk management challenges of each. Finally, we sketch current architectures for credit information sharing with an overture to the new possibilities opening up with federation architectures.

Federated Credit Risk Models

Federated Credit Risk Models

Reading Time: 4 min.

The motivation for federated credit risk models

Representation of federated credit risk model estimation

Federated learning is a machine learning technique that is receiving increased attention in diverse data driven application domains that have data privacy concerns. The essence of the concept is to train algorithms across decentralized servers, each holding their own local data samples, hence without the need to exchange potentially sensitive information. The construction of a common model is achieved through the exchange of derived data (gradients, parameters, weights etc). This design stands in contrast to traditional model estimation where all data reside (or are brought into one computational environment).

Overview of the Julia-Python-R Universe

Overview of the Julia-Python-R Universe

We introduce a side-by-side review of the main open source ecosystems supporting the Data Science domain: Julia, Python, R, the trio sometimes abbreviated as Jupyter

Reading Time: 3 min.

Overview of the Julia-Python-R Universe


A new Open Risk Manual entry offers a side-by-side review of the main open source ecosystems supporting the Data Science domain: Julia, Python, R, sometimes abbreviated as Jupyter.


A large component of Quantitative Risk Management relies on data processing and quantitative tools (aka Data Science ). In recent years open source software targeting Data Science finds increased adoption in diverse applications. The overview of the Julia-Python-R Universe article is a side by side comparison of a wide range of aspects of Python, Julia and R language ecosystems.

Machine learning approaches to synthetic credit data

Machine learning approaches to synthetic credit data

Reading Time: 9 min.

The challenge with historical credit data

Historical credit data are vital for a host of credit portfolio management activities: Starting with assessment of the performance of different types of credits and all the way to the construction of sophisticated credit risk models. Such is the importance of data inputs that for risk models impacting significant decision-making / external reporting there are even prescribed minimum requirements for the type and quality of necessary historical credit data.

Data Scientists Have No Future

Data Scientists Have No Future

Reading Time: 1 min.

Data Scientists Have No Future

Data Scientists Have No Future

The working definition of a Data Scientist seems to be in the current overheated environment:

doing whatever it takes to get the job done in a digital #tech domain that we have long neglected but which is now coming back to haunt us!

Machine Learning Ballyhoo

Machine Learning Ballyhoo

Reading Time: 1 min.

Machine Learning Ballyhoo

Carl Friedrich Gauss

Are you getting a bit tired with all the machine learning ballyhoo?

You can blame it all on a German mathematician(*), Carl Friedrich Gauss, who started the futuristic mega-trend back in 1809: He showed us how to train a straight line to pass nicely through a cloud of unruly, scattered data points. To find, in effect, a path of least embarrassment.

If programming languages were human languages which one would be which?

Reading Time: 2 min.

If programming languages were human languages which one would be which?

Most developers know (or get to know quickly once they join a team) that programming languages are as much about communicating with other developers as they are about instructing the computer. Which raises the interesting question: If programming languages were human languages which one would be which? Here is a (tonque-in-cheek mind you!) compilation of a mapping between programming languages and human languages. Suggestions / corrections are welcome via the feedback button

We are hiring artificially intelligent bankers

We are hiring artificially intelligent bankers

Reading Time: 2 min.

We are hiring artificially intelligent bankers

Robot Banker

Job Specification for an Artificially Intelligent Banker

The Artificially Intelligent Banker is responsible for the overall management of the AI2H (AI to Human) lending department. The following requirements (job specifications) were determined by extensive data mining analysis and derived from the job description as crucial for success in the Artificially Intelligent Banker role.