Equinox Policy App

This page provides information about the Equinox Policy Data module that helps collect and work with portfolio policy data. The app an interactive, visual web application (dashboard).

What do we mean by Policy Data?

Policy data are generated in a wide range of situations, by different entities (governments / other institutions), using varying types of controls (policy options or variables).

About the Policy App

Equinox incorporates a new module focusing on policy data. Policy data currently supported (TODO)

The app serves several purposes:

  • Makes the raw policy data easily available online
  • Allows exploration of statistical properties and associations with portfolio data

In practice the Policy Explorer module retrieves policy data from outside sources, integrates them in a uniform interface and provides data views, visualizations and, where applicable, modelling functionality.

NOTE: Equinox is still in active development. As the functionality of the platform is enhanced, further sources of open data will be integrated where appropriate.