Risk Culture

9 Things They Do Not Tell You About Risk Management

9 Things They Do Not Tell You About Risk Management

Risk Management means different things to different people. In this post we explore some truths about professional risk management that highlight both the challenges it is facing as a discipline and the significant role it can play towards a sustainable future

Reading Time: 13 min.

9 Things they do not tell you about Risk Management

Risks don’t fall from the sky, they are generated by other people

1. Risks don’t fall from the Sky. They are generated by other People

Informal Risk Management has been practiced by individuals since time immemorial. This is the domain of intuitive decision-making, assessing a situation on the spot and taking immediate action to avoid obvious risks.

The Atlas of Bad Risk Management

The Atlas of Bad Risk Management

Reading Time: 2 min.

The Atlas of Bad Risk Management

Atlas of Bad Risk Management

The Atlas was discovered recently in archaeological work studying pre-crisis civilizations. Despite the obvious wear and tear, all key risk failure areas have been preserved. We note the remarkable diversity of organizational forms and economic structures. Most interestingly, there is even an uncharted territory that was rumored to be inhabited by black swans.